

Hot Summer Power Saving

By this time of year, you know if your AC is working or not, but do you know if it’s working efficiently?  Dirty coils, mis-charged refrigeration, clogged filters, and hard-starting compressors eat up a lot of power.  Many people have never had a system working to maximum efficiency and just a small investment can save […]

AC Service Technicians Waste Your Money

Yes, you read it correctly. A mechanical contractor told you that AC Service  technicians waste your money. What I really mean is that the majority – and I mean a big majority – of AC Service technicians don’t tell you (because they don’t know) what it is about your system that costs you energy efficiency. […]

Your Water Footprint

People use lots of water for drinking, cooking, and washing, but even more for producing things we use such as food, clothing, paper, etc. The individual or community water footprint is an indicator of the total volume of water needed to produce the goods and services used by an individual or community. You may feel […]

Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems

Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance (ITM) Contracts At Danson Heights Mechanical, we know that the proper design, working capacity, and condition of your sprinkler system are essential to keeping your building and the people in it safe. During our ITM visits, every aspect of your sprinkler system is evaluated and tested according to NFPA 25 guidelines […]

Backflow Prevention

Backflow Prevention: What’s the Fuss? The laws concerning backflow prevention have been getting consistently tougher since the passage of the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974. http://water.epa.gov/lawsregs/rulesregs/sdwa/index.cfm The Federal Government, with Public Health Law 201, made state governments responsible for “the sanitary aspects of the water supply.” Then, New York State, with sanitary code 5-1.31, […]

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