
Whether it’s a hot shower, a cold glass of water, or a midnight stumble to the toilet, your home’s plumbing system is at work to keep you comfy. In truth, we have come to absolutely depend on our plumbing to offer constant, reliable service. But, like all of us, it can have its moments. Danson Heights Mechanical is there any time you need us, with the best-stocked trucks in the business. No repair is too small or too large.

We specialize in hard-to-find parts and we believe we’re prepared to fix almost anything. However, there are SO many brands out there today, that it’s tough to be ready for it all. When problems arise for our customers, we are occasionally forced to chase out-dated or hard-to-find parts not carried on any company’s trucks while you, our customer, worries that the part can’t be found. You can avoid this in your home with a Plumbing Maintenance Contract or PMC. It includes an annual check-up of your entire plumbing system as well as a complete list and archived photos of all of your plumbing fixtures. We will even identify and source hard-to-find or obsolete critical parts in advance if you request it. For just $78 a year plus tax for new customers, you can have confidence in the most important system in your home: the Plumbing. That’s less than a quarter a day!

Going beyond expectation in our work is not enough. We want to go beyond imagination in our readiness.

Be ready. Schedule an appointment for a PMC quote today.

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