
How often should I change my HVAC air filters?

I know you would love a short answer, but I just can’t. The best answer is, when you first install your system, experience changes in your home (like a new puppy or kitten!), or finally decide to pay attention to your system :-), check the filter every week to see if it is getting dirty and how fast. Keep a new filter nearby to compare. Keep in mind that this is the standard filter we are talking about, not pleated or media filters. Pleated filters are much tighter than standard filters and you will not likely be able to tell when it’s time to change them. In my house, I have a standard pre-filter in my filter grill and a media filter in the attic. I judge the air quality of my home by the pre-filter because it is easy to tell when a standard filter is dirty. I make sure to change the pre-filter every month. (I am checking it every week since we got Chewy, our new Shi Tzu) Plus, I can get away with changing my media filter every two years that way.*

I will tell you this: filters are much less expensive than restricted airflow.

*Media filters are typically changed every 6 months under normal conditions. My air handler is AC only (not heat) so I only use it for half the year. the pre-filter also keeps it much cleaner than normal, so I have good airflow for two seasons on one media filter.

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